How colours persuade one to buy has always remained an interesting topic of discussion in marketing. The discussion has never drawn to a close rather stays open with respect to the depth of analysis required. Colour psychology is the science of colours, a part of behavioural science, defining how it impacts the human nature, the nature of buy in ecommerce. Out of the 90 seconds a viewer takes to decide on a product, more than 60% of the thought goes on/by the colours in website!
One needs to understand where to use the colours and how when planning on Redesign websites or on web design. Colour scheme includes the colours used in graphics/images/media files, those used in headline, those in header/footer, those in boundaries and those in links/buttons.
Understanding the perfect usage of colours is quite tricky; using them at the right time in the right context to the right audience is definitely a challenging art. Different colours have different impacts on the viewers. Light orange shows optimism/clarity/warmth, dark orange shows friendliness/cheer/charm, red shows dominance/courage, purple shows imagination/shrewdness, green shows peace & health, light grey shows calmness/mildness and sky blue shows trust/depend-able nature,. So now you know how stupid is using a black based website for selling products for kids like games/toys! Effort put in making a good decision on colours in web development has a great way to lead conversions.
5 common divisions of trait, sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness directly relate to the colours sky blue, dark pink, light green, purple and sandal respectively. Though brands cross between 2 traits, dominance is towards a single colour. The personality your website portrays depends to a big extent on colours in the latest human view, which needn’t be the stereotype view of green means earth/environment! If you think of Skype, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter having blue in common, that’s because all of them are social media sites where the same blue conveys innovation in Skype, calmness in Twitter, trust in Facebook, professionalism in LinkedIn, stability in WordPress and creativity in Pandora.
How do you do the exact mapping of colours to conversions? Keep in mind,
Awareness is bringing potential visitors to the site turning them into customers. Having the colour psychology in mind got aware in this blog or even via other channels, you concentrate on giving the right colour to the website in various sections, you can be sure you are on the most sensible path to increase web conversions. Should you require assistance here or in the web design completely, don’t wait to ask us at QeHTML!